The Verona Minor Hierusalem Foundation, together with its volunteers, is committed to enhancing the value and the beauty of the city of Verona through a wide range of opportunities for cultural and experiential tourism.

Thanks to Verona Minor Hierusalem, visitors can discover seventeen churches otherwise not always accessible: here they will be welcomed by volunteers who receive free vocational training and continuous learning opportunities to be able to pass on a rich historical, artistic, and spiritual, heritage.

You can freely decide which church to visit or choose to follow one of the three itineraries;  in each church or at our Infopoint you can request the map or the credential where to collect the original stamps to prove that you have walked that route. Both these publications are rich in information and suggestions.

Follow our events to register for guided visits and urban pilgrimages led by spiritual guides!

Founded as a project on November 25th, 2016, with the name of Verona Minor Hierusalem, a city to enhance together, on January 16, 2019, it became a Foundation recognized by the Veneto Region. 
We strive for quality and for an ever-greater involvement of the citizens of Verona in becoming custodians of the history, art and culture of their city.

The discovery of the seal

From project to foundation

A Model for the Development of Cultural Heritage Volunteering

The foundation


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